Is the Prime Minister merely giving lip service?

Dear Editor,

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo in the October 23, 2015 Edition of Kaieteur News speaking to the massive salary increases that the Government Ministers awarded themselves is quoted as saying, “we knew it going to be unpopular but that does not justify why we didn’t go to the bottom houses and the grassroots to explain why we want to make the necessary changes and that we are not here for us but about you.”

During the 2016 Parliamentary Budget Debates, according to February 13, 2016 edition of Stabroek News, the Prime Minister referring to the closure of Wales Estate said: “I still believe that efforts should be made to undo what had happened, that is that the workers were not told in a timely manner about the impending closure.

I still believe that we need to have conversations with the workers and their families to explain what opportunities are opened up for them.”

It seems that the Prime Minister feels he is capable of exonerating the new Government, maybe with the use of words, from any blunder it commits as it pursues unpopular policies.

Beyond words, the Prime Minister may want to meet with the irate sugar workers and farmers at the Wales location to convince them that the arbitrary, ill-thought-out decision to close is good for them, their dependents and their future welfare.

Yours truly,

Fredrick Yuvraj

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