Int’l media groups urged to condemn threats to press freedom in Guyana

Kaieteur News owner and publisher Mohan Lall, aka Glenn Lall
Kaieteur News owner and publisher Mohan Lall, aka Glenn Lall

Guyana Times, which is part of a media group that also includes Television Guyana Inc (TVG), Radio Guyana Inc (RGI), and publications in New York and Canada, is calling on all international press associations to condemn the threats to press freedom and media intimidation in Guyana.

The call is being made by the newspaper on the heels of a recent incident which has seen one of its staff members resigning on November 5 out of fear for her life, after she was asked to present a news report, as anchor, on the owner of the Kaieteur News, Mohan Lall, aka Glenn Lall. The group has informed several regional and international associations about the circumstances surrounding the resignation, which was followed by two others on the same day in sympathy for their colleague’s fear.

As of November 6, more newsroom staff expressed similar fear for their safety and lives, in particular if they are asked to pursue any stories with respect to Lall, including those that have to do with his ownership of companies through the corporate veil of personalities being used as aprons.

The group regrets the decision taken by the reporters who have departed and wishes them well for the future. “It is indeed a sad day when journalists have to operate in fear of certain personalities, because they dare to investigate them and make public their findings,” the group said.

It added that journalists ought to be able to do their jobs without any fear of consequences at the hands of those whom they publish stories on. The media group is in the process of bolstering security for its staff in view of this recent development. The group is, therefore, calling earnestly on media associations in the region and beyond to speak out against such intimidation and threats to freedom of the press in Guyana.


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