Int’l birding tour operators explore opportunities in Guyana

Four United States (US) birding companies had the chance to see the many species of birds in Guyana through the Guyana Tourism Authority’s (GTA) bird expedition familiarisation (fam) tour.

The expedition commenced on November 1 at the Kaieteur National Park and ended on November 6 at the Botanical Gardens. The latter location is a haven for many types of birds. The fam exercise afforded participants the opportunity to see over 200 species of birds.

Senior Marketing Officer, GTA, Annarie Shiwram told the Government Information Agency (GINA) that Essay Expedition, Venture Birding, Eagle Eyes Tours and Wings Birding Tours took part in the fam tour.

Shiwram said that the main aim of this activity was for the US tour operators to come to Guyana, “to see if they like the destination, and if they can sell the destination in their tourism package back home.”

Some of the places the tour operators visited, according to Shiwram, were the Kaieteur Falls and the Kaieteur National Park, Surama, Atta Lodge, and the Iwokrama International Rainforest and Conservation project.

Tourism Awareness Month is being observed under the theme – “Tourism for All, Building Partnerships For Tourism Development.”

Some of the activities for the month-long observation include: Visitors’ Appreciation Day at the Cheddi Jagan International and the Eugene F Correia International Airports on November 11; Tourism Reconnaissance Visit- St Cuthbert’s Mission/Mahaica River on November 12; and the Rockstone Fish Festival at Rockstone Village, Region 10 on November 12-13.

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