Interfaith TV channel in three months – Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo

President Bharrat Jagdeo on Monday met with representatives of the religious community to discuss the setting up of an interfaith television station which would be dedicated to the broadcasting of religious programmes on a 24-hour basis.

According to a Government Information Agency (GINA) release, the president, in his remarks, indicated that discussions have been ongoing for some six years now, but he intends to see the realisation of this project within the next three months.

The religious leaders, in expressing their appreciation for this initiative, agreed to the setting up of a board of directors which will comprise representatives of the various umbrella bodies. The model proposed would see an equitable distribution of airtime amongst the various faiths for the broadcasting of their religious programmes.

When asked about the approximate cost of this project, the president indicated that, currently, the various specifications are being considered to determine suitability, since the intention is that the coverage will be as expansive as possible.

The president also took the opportunity to encourage the religious leaders to continue to work for peace and harmony in Guyana, and to repudiate any attempts by persons to incite racial tension as Guyana prepares for its regional and national elections.

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