Inspired by emotion

Artist Andrew Dos SantosFor Andrew Dos Santos, art is cathartic because through it, he can express his emotions. Developing an intrinsic love for art has propelled the artist to pursue it relentlessly, despite negative notions that art is a dead-end career.

In an interview with Guyana Times Sunday Magazine, Andrew revealed that he developed an interest in art during childhood. This interest grew into him passionately pursuing art. Consequently, he attended Burrowes School of Art, where he honed his talent and graduated with a diploma in Fine Arts.

“Growing up, I always had an interest for art. I was further inspired to chase after this dream after watching the movie “Titanic”, where I felt the character Jack’s emotions as he passionately drew a portrait of the woman he was in love with,” Andrew recalled.

Initially, the artist employed basic geometric shapes, used to create human figures, trees and other objects, but later developed his skills in using advance art techniques.

Collage done in 2011
Collage done in 2011

“Most of the times I am inspired by emotions; different emotions bring about different types of inspirations and ideas, and I just go with that feeling. Art makes me calm, happy; and it can even be like a puzzle sometimes waiting to be solved,” he noted.

Apart from painting, graphics and drawing, Andrew is a sculptor who enjoys building models and teaching aids.

The artist has competed in the National Visual Arts Competition 2012 and in the Ninth National Drawing competition 2013. Andrew has extensively exhibited his work. His most recent exhibition was at the Ninth National Drawing Exhibition 2013 held at Castellani House.


'Colonial Days in Guyana' (2013)
‘Colonial Days in Guyana’ (2013)

“My greatest desire is to establish my own advertising agency. As a young artist myself, I would like to advise young artists to be patient because once you dedicate your time, you will develop. Reading also plays a vital role. Additionally, learning about past artists and their work will help to develop your own creativity and individuality. Art is as serious as any other profession; a lot of sacrifices need to be made. You have to prepare to deal with criticisms. Keep focused regardless of what others say, and follow your passion,” Andrew encourages. (Guyana Times Sunday Magazine)

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