Indigenous residents receive licensed firearms

Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs Minister Sydney Allicock handed out another batch of licensed firearms to Indigenous residents from communities in Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni).
According to the Department of Public Information (DPI), the distribution was done over the weekend in the Indigenous community of Kamarang, Upper Mazaruni.
“We’re very pleased to be able to deliver on our promise … I think good things come to those who wait, and today you have a good thing in your hand for your livelihood,” Minister Allicock told residents.
Earlier this month, Minister Allicock and Ministers of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan and Public Affairs, Dawn Hastings-Williams issued firearms and licences to residents from 12 villages in Region Seven.
This weekend’s distribution is a follow-up to the previous one, Minister Allicock noted. He explained the visit was needed to resolve application issues for some residents.
Recipients of the licensed firearms were also briefed on the safe handling, usage and storage of their weapons, by members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF). The newly-licensed firearm holders were also supplied with ammunition.
Back in 2015, residents had turned in their unlicensed firearms during the Public Security Ministry’s amnesty programme. The Ministry’s plan was to regularise the system, conduct safety checks, and allow for firearm holders, including Indigenous people, to be licensed.

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