Independence is worth celebrating

Dear Editor,

I refer to the article captioned “Still waiting for the excitement”, which was published in the May 27th edition of the Kaieteur News. In that article, Neil Marks sought to paint a very depressing picture of Independence Day celebrations held at the National Park. However, what the author failed to realize was that he could speak only for himself, and not for the thousands who attend that event freely on an annual basis. Perhaps Marks was too young to have experienced public servants being compelled to attend those very celebrations when the Forbes Burnham government was in power. Participation in Mass Games is no longer compulsory, either. And no longer do we waste precious state resources to hold those vast celebrations in which the “Comrade Leader” had to be eloquently sermonized while the starving audience was being bored to death.

No, Kaieteur News, these people have consistently chosen to attend this event of their own free will, and they continue to do so at very high levels since 1992, and also because they have seen the excitement, which you haven’t.

Yours truly,

Baldeo Mathura

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