Incorrigible Wankers

We’ve missed our old punching bag, Sase “Thunderbolt” Singh. The bounder who now hangs out in NY, seems to have taken a longer vacation than his pals who hogged the AFC seats in Parliament. Haven’t seen head nor hair from him in months. Jumped ship, Thunderbolt? Anyhow, his letter-writing pen pal, Asquith Rose (yes, “Asquith!) seemed to have parted ways and company with him. Of recent, Rose (‘by any other name’ than Asquith) has been writing with a “Harish S Singh”. We’d wondered whether Thunderbolt might have assumed a non de plume… but figured Thunderbolt would have shown much more imagination.
So Rose and Singh wrote to the Stabber news, stabbing the ‘major opposition’, without once daring to call their name. Doesn’t make these fellas look credible – or make anyone take them seriously when they make Granger out as Voldemort. You know… the one whose name you can’t call or you’re doomed! After making out a long shopping list of atrocities APNU should have committed, the wankers demand that they should only meet the PPP at a ‘neutral location”. Where might that be in Guyana, you ask? Parliament or the Pegasus Hotel, says Rose and Singh. That’s right! Parliament, which is controlled and tied up by the opposition tighter than a drum and the Pegasus, which is owned by Robert Badal – inveterate opponent of the government and a card-carrying member of the AFC. Neutral? Sure… just like how Hitler was neutral on the issue of human rights for Jews.
But Rose and Singh should know they’re spitting into the wind. There’s no one around from the “major opposition” to listen to their rants. They’ve traipsed off on vacation until October 10, with the “minor opposition”. God knows in which sleazy, fourth rate hotel they’re holed up. Nah… not the Pegasus.
Mouthing off
We were hoping we could stay off for at least a day from Linden. But this fella Solomon just can’t to stop mouthing off. Well at least he’s telegraphing what’s ahead for the rest of us. On the electricity rates equalisation – the one where he’s just signed an agreement with the government that a panel will examine the issue and make recommendations? You can forget about that pappy show! According to the Stabber, Solomon promised eloquently: “We ain’t paying that!” So the government will be reaching into our pockets for another twenty years to subsidise electricity in Linden.
Solomon also talked fat about the loss of business confidence in Linden. He boasted: “if Bosai wants to go… let them. Others are willing to come.” Really? Old people say be careful of what you ask for: you may just get it. The PNC used to talk fat like that because “Linden had the sweetest bauxite in the world!” Well we saw what the world decided about the “sweetness” after they nationalised the industry and couldn’t deliver. What goes around; comes around.
But the weirdest thing is about the primary school that was burnt to the ground at Wismar.
Solomon and the residents said right away that they’re going to rebuild it. Monies have already been collected. Up comes Minister Manickchand who says, “No, siree Bob! Government’s going to foot the bill!” Well once again, Solomon, in his wisdom, has promised that the residents will “reconstruct” the school. We find this catfight rather unseemly and suggest a duel at twenty paces to settle same.
Taking the cake
But the “mouth off” that takes the cake came from Region 10 MP Renis Morian. He’s upset the staff of the Region 10 administration, who were protesting for the last month and didn’t show up for work – were told the time off would be applied to their annual leave. Morian complained that this was a “threat”!! Their pay should have been docked!!

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