IDCE making strides in improving literacy nationally – director

Diplomas and certificates were on Saturday conferred to hundreds of students, who graduated from the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE).

Speaking at the institute’s 34th graduating ceremony, Director of IDCE, Dr Ramesh Sharma, said that the institution has made significant strides over the years to improve the levels of literacy nationally.

He said that this effort has not gone in vain as, year by year, students continue to graduate from the institute and move on to higher learning institutions nationally, regionally and internationally.

The introduction of Information Communication Technology (ICT) is also another area that has seen several adults becoming computer literate.

Further, the fact that the institution is located in Georgetown, Linden, New Amsterdam and Anna Regina and sees a cross section of students from all regions of the country attending illustrates the levels of willingness that those who did not have a chance to complete primary and secondary schools have to become educated.

Amidst scattered showers, Dr Sharma urged the graduating class of 2010 not to be fearful of the heights that they can reach, but to walk with much determination and they will ‘reach the skies’. 

Meanwhile, Professor Emeritus Fred Lockwood, of Manchester Metropolitan University, found it essential to reminisce on his experience as a junior lecturer some forty years ago. He told the graduates of the struggles he and many others had to obtain the highest levels of education.

The graduates were urged to persevere to achieve the ultimate goal of being the best that they can be.

“There is nothing you cannot do…this isn’t the end, this is the start.” Professor Lockwood noted.

Valedictorian – best graduating student Carla Dodson, said that the education received from IDCE is ‘priceless’, and better enables the graduands to take on the challenges of the world. “We have been exposed to a high degree of academic excellence.” Dodson boasted.

Diploma in Administrative Professional Secretaries, Industrial Relations and Management, Marketing Management, Early Childhood 1 and 11, Supervisory Management, Developmental Psychology, Language and Communication, Academic Upgrading Courses, Pre- University Mathematics, English, Social Work 1 and 11, Care for the Elderly, Guidance and Counselling, Upgrading Administrative Professional, Project Management, Human Resources Management, Office Administration were among the course completed during the academic year 2009-2010.

Meanwhile, tokens were distributed to the ‘‘best of the graduating students” from the various courses. Among the lot were Tamaiko Angoy-Paul, Distinction in Administrative Professional Secretaries; Carla Dodson, Industrial Relations and Management; Roxanne Fisher, Marketing Management; Valena Grenion, Early Childhood Education One; Nicole Goodman, Early Childhood One; Karen Anthony, Supervisory Management; Sabrina Hall, Language and Communication, Academic Upgrading Mathematics; Garcia Weithers; Hamida Amin, Academic Upgrading in English Language; and Grace Hall, Care of the Elderly.



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