IDB loan is welcome

Dear Editor,

The US$30 million loan received from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) by the government of Guyana to construct the four-lane highway from Providence to Diamond and to install a new city sewerage system is much welcome.

Congestion is increasing daily, and very little is being done to address this. The expansion works to the existing four-lane highway will help; nevertheless, plans to build the arterial road from Timehri heading all the way to the East Coast Demerara must move ahead. 

It is through more road networks that congestion will be reduced. This will also relieve some of the pressure being applied on the existing network. I sincerely hope the government gives thought to constructing another major highway soon.  

As for the city sewerage system, the present system is decades-old and has deteriorated to the extent that it really takes a lot to keep it in good form and avoid its collapsing; which, if it did, would create a major catastrophe and health crisis in the city. GWI, the entity responsible for the sewerage system, has been trying its best, with limited resources, to upkeep the system, but it really does need replacement. For, no sooner does the company fix one part of the old system than another part is broken. 

Given what sewage is, a collapse of the existing system is undesirable; so the investment to build a new system is welcome. 


Deonarine Singh

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