A Queens, New York woman tried to block federal immigration officers from arresting her Guyanese husband Tuesday morning, prompting a standoff when neighbours started ripping into President Donald Trump, law-enforcement sources said.
According to a report in Wednesday’s New York Post, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers went to detain the woman’s illegal-immigrant husband, Hardat Sampat, after he had been released from jail on burglary and other charges, sources said.
The New York Post reported that ICE officers stopped the couple’s car at about 10 a.m., on a one-way street at the corner of 101st Avenue and 112th Street near his home in Richmond Hill.
They took Sampat into custody, but his wife, the driver, refused to move the vehicle, blocking them from driving away, the New York Post reported.
ICE then called the NYPD for assistance. By the time cops arrived, a half-dozen people were gathered and protesting the arrest, an NYPD source said. The group directed its anger at cops and the president.
Police eventually convinced the wife to move the car, and ICE drove away with Sampat, a source said.
No other arrests were made, according to the New York Post report.