‘I worked really hard’

– Guyana’s top Grade Six student
Eleven-year-old Nalia Rahaman from the Westfield Prep made history in Guyana, having scored 529 out of the possible 530 marks at the 2018 National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA). She was awarded a place at Queen’s College in Georgetown.

Nalia Rahaman – 529 marks

When Nalia wrote the NGSA back in March, she expected to do well but never imagined that she would have scored 529 out of 530. Speaking with reporters on Thursday at the NCERD office, where the results were announced, Rahaman was ecstatic when she heard the results, telling reporters that she worked really hard to ensure she was on top of her game. She added that she and her parents had also fasted and prayed during the Month of Ramadan.
The aspiring author is advising pupils preparing to write NGSA next year or even in the coming years, to work hard and study a lot. She said there will be lots of time to relax and play afterwards.
Meanwhile, her mother, Nabeenah expressed her elation at the news, telling this newspaper that her daughter has always been a consistent top performer throughout her school years thus far.
Mrs Rahaman is encouraging parents with children preparing to write exams to play an active role.
In brief remarks Minister of Education, Nicolette Henry said the improvements witnessed are a direct result of Government’s increased spending among other strategies employed in the education sector.
14,145 candidates sat the examination back in April. Of these, 46 percent gained 50 percent or more in social studies; a 1 percent drop compared to last year. Passes at science remained the same with 46 percent achieving 50 percent or more marks. There was a marked improvement of 60 percent in passes for English compared to 54 percent last year.
Meanwhile, mathematics saw a 7 percent reduction in those gaining 50 percent or more. Minister Henry said this is a sign that there is need for Government to continue interventions similar to those undertook last year.

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