I was never promised any position by the PPP

Dear Editor,

I read a letter in another section of the press on February 23 under the headline, “Is Peter Persaud still the leader of The United Force?”

I am not the leader of The United Force (TUF), but was identified and selected by the party’s executive committee to be its presidential candidate for the November 2011 general and regional elections.

TUF is monitoring Guyana’s current political situation and is on the ground meeting with its members and supporters. Because of a court matter against the TUF in the run-up to the 2011 elections, the party had actually taken about three weeks to conduct elections campaigning in the length and breadth of Guyana.

This resulted in our poor performance but nevertheless, the TUF was able to capture two regional seats, in Regions Eight and Nine. TUF is quietly waiting for the right time to launch its public political campaign.

The letter stated that the writer has been seeing many letters in the press written by me, and that I am always supporting everything that the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) does.

This is based on the indisputable fact that the PPP/C government, in my view, is superbly managing the social and economic affairs of Guyana, where there is sustained economic growth, despite global financial challenges.

In this regard, I will definitely publicly condemn opposition parties and their agents who want Guyana to return to darkness and misery, as under the People’s National Congress (PNC) prior to 1992. And I will contribute my energies to ensure that this never happens again.

The letter also claimed that I did not get a position that I was promised, so I now have to write for my “supper”, and that I was “set up” by the PPP/C.  I would like to inform the writer that I am no opportunist and was never promised any position by the PPP/C government.

Also, I was not interested in any position and, further, I was never set up by the PPP/C.

My presidential candidacy in the 2011 elections for the TUF was based on my own free will and I was chosen by TUF’s executive committee. Yes, I write against anti-government rubbish in the media and I am not paid by the PPP/C.

The Amerindian Action Movement of Guyana (TAAMOG) is a dynamic body and has a membership. We get calls from the hinterland Amerindian communities to address problems, concerns and grievances.

At the moment, I am making preparations for a visit to the North West region where my presence is wanted in six Amerindian communities.

Finally, I am a real person and everyone knows who Peter Persaud is and what my views are. Do we know who is this writer and is he/she willing to reveal their true identity? It does not seem so as I believe this writer is using a pseudonym.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Persaud


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