‘I want justice for my son’

– says mother of man who died after being beaten during wedding house robbery

A 26-year-old man is now dead after he attempted to fight off bandits who invaded his cousin’s wedding celebration on Saturday night.
Dead is Rudendra Persaud of Foulis, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
Reports are that Persaud was at his cousin’s wedding celebration at Nonpareil also on the ECD when bandits invaded the celebrations around 22:30h.
Speaking with Guyana Times International on Monday, Persaud’s mother, Geeta Boodram related she had heard that there was a robbery at the wedding house and she left home to check on him when she was informed that he was beaten.
“I heard about the robbery and I went at the back. My son was with me having we own nice time, and when I came to the back, he went outside after he heard the robbery. Someone come and tell me that your son ah get beat outside, but by time I run out the scene actually close off. I see two guys and I ask them ‘where is my son?’ they say ‘mom, you son get beat up’,” the grieving mother related. She said information was limited and she was confused as to what had transpired.
“Me ah call, me ah call fuh me son and me nah find am, so me tell them look something deh ah deh ground here, let me see a wah, when meh flash meh phone light, there is meh son lay down deh start to bleed through he mouth. Meh just tek out deh blood and me start holler fuh help,” she said in tears.
She said that residents responded and came to her aid. They then rushed the injured Persaud to the Georgetown Public Hospital, but he succumbed while receiving medical attention.
The dead man’s aunt, Sunita Boodram said that her neighbour, who was an eyewitness to the crime, saw the men who attacked her nephew, but when he called out their names, he too was beaten.
“Where we live at Nonpareil, it’s like my neighbour’s son, he is the person that identified the guys them and called out them names. When them call out them names, them start fire lash on the boy them too, so he has several lashes,” the man’s aunt related.
The mother went on to say: “Be honest, I telling you the truth, me nah care if meh son nah burn yet, but meh want justice because I get to understand that these guys them start to get away, and I telling you today that meh want justice fo me son. Meh ah fight hard, because meh son was innocent.”
Persaud, according to family and friends, was a quiet individual.

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