I am siding with the GTA

Dear Editor,
A few years back, I was listening to a former radio broadcaster on the Voice of Guyana (VOG). He played a clip in which he spoke to a sculptor who really lamented his plight. The ‘without pay’ worker, an artist of the highest calibre, explained his craft. This was the gist of it: very dexterous with hands; creative in mind; patient in mindset; sighting before and beyond the piece. Now I think that such a man is deserving of some money. Good news then – at long last.
Some 44 persons from the Arts and Crafts Producers Association are now better equipped to effectively market their products to visitors and locals alike. This is so, because the Guyana Tourism Authority (GTA) just finished conducting a training session on customer service for the craft producers.
According to GTA Director Indranauth Haralsingh, in fulfilling its mandate, the authority continues to conduct training sessions to improve the tourism product and empower stakeholders and businesses to have greater access to a wider market. I go back to that five-minute clip – the particular sculptor said that every now and again he would land a nice price, but mostly to visitors, as they seem to be more cognisant about the arts. So, GTA may be wise in holding a few sessions on actual artwork and to view the pieces. From what I gathered, the particular piece that was the subject of discussion (on VOG) that night, dealt with slavery. The wood carver actually started with a piece of fallen three.
I am happy that this is not a one-shot emphasis, as the GTA plans to continue its countrywide training sessions until the end of the year, particularly during Tourism Awareness Month which comes up in November. Editor, this is very much into the Christmas season and many Guyanese will be back home. The market then will be most enticing.
With regards,
Dianne Wilkins

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