I am not a…

…a Chatree

In the US, one phrase uttered over national TV at a crucial juncture came to signal the essence of what Richard Nixon was all about: “I am not a crook!” He, of course, had impeachment proceedings started against him for lying about his knowledge of the Watergate break-in, and he resigned before he could be thrown out from the office of the President of the USA. He was disgraced.
In Guyana, it appears like Education Minister Nicolette Henry will become (in)famous for claiming in the (post-Broomes not-so-hallowed) chamber of the Parliament, “I am not a Chatree. So I may not know when there is Diwali or Phagwah, but I do know what it takes to improve the education sector.” As to whether she would resign! — like “tricky Dick” Nixon — will depend on how her party – the PNC – views her studied ignorance of the culture of Indian Guyanese. This ignorance evidently compels her to become a serial insulter of Indian Guyanese in general, and Hindus in particular.
It’s clear that the fall-out from her first faux pas did not matter in the least to the PNC, even though they boast about acknowledging “multi-culturalism” by introducing two Hindu and two Muslim commemorative events to the list of National Public Holidays. Including the two Minister Henry could not tell apart! And so it was, a MINISTER OF CULTURE – at an event hosted by her Ministry to commemorate Phagwah, couldn’t tell the difference between Phagwah – the exuberant festival of water and colours, and Diwali- the serene festival of lights!!
The faux pas committed earlier this year should’ve raised alarm bells in the PNC – at the least – about alienating a significant voting block. Imagine the contempt on display to not even take the time to be briefed on a speech she had to make. What does it matter, and why should she bother, she implied scornfully, THEIR festivals are all the same, aren’t they?
The Minister of “Social Cohesion”, Norton, suggested weakly at the Phagwah boo-boo that Henry should apologise. She never did. Instead, the President PROMOTED her to the senior Cabinet position of Minister of Education!! Yep – you heard that right! – promoted to EDUCATE our nation’s “multicultural” children to develop respect for each other!! The PNC’s view on this ethnocentric insult was reaffirmed by every one of the MPs – including those from the AFC – when they all cheered lustily and banged their desks at Henry’s jibe at Hindus. Including the Minister of Social Cohesion!
The PNC’s slogan will be “I am not a Chatree: and still return in 2020! It’s already in the bag!
…my brothers’ keeper
The AFC keeps speaking with their forked tongue, desperately struggling to keep their perks in the Government they elected on the backs of their supporters in Berbice. To whom they insisted the “good life” would also be theirs. From one fork of their tongue, they agreed with the notices of dismissal to the sugar workers of Enmore, Rose Hall and Skeldon. From the other, they express “serious concerns” about what lies ahead, and want options for them.
Are these jokers Nagamootoo and Ramjattan for real? The estates are to be SOLD! Boat done gone a falls! They’ve been placed in the hands of a SPU. Where was the AFC when their AFC (?) Minister was presenting his “state paper”?? The workers are at the mercy of whoever will purchase those estates. The (AFC?) Minister of Agri clearly outlined the reason for their inhuman conduct towards the sugar workers: they want to separate them from GAWU.
So whichever entity takes over, they “can do what they want with them”! Massa day return!!
…foolish Finance Minister
Jordan was criticised for being absent during the Budget debate. Why?? If YOU prepared a budget as bland as Jordan’s, would you want to be there when it’s torn apart?
What’s to be proud about?

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