I am happy that facilities at the Georgetown Hospital continue to improve

Dear Editor,

I wish to commend the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, which has over the years been working assiduously to improve the facilities at the institution. This, as we all know, is for the comfort of patients. Those of us, who are old enough remember what went on at the government’s premier health institution, prior to 1992, when it was referred to as a death trap.

This is not the case now, as the government has pumped billions of dollars into the institution, and many sections have been refurbished or torn down and built over. Added to these, are the modern facilities with matching equipment and the influx of nurses and doctors.

The newest arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation is the new in-patient facility, which was recently opened.

The in-patient facility is one with a difference, as it was built to integrate all necessary services and end the logistical nightmare that patients used to face in obtaining proper services.

I believe that the health sector will continue to grow from strength to strength, as it seeks to deliver better and up-to-standard health care to the people of this country.


Joe Drakes

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