Hydro power will result in many benefits for our country

Dear Editor,

I am very encouraged by the fact that Guyana’s new president, Donald Ramotar is very firm on getting the hydro project on stream. I am firmly of the view that this is certainly the way to go and it is only a matter of time before our people begin to see the wisdom in the administration making such a huge investment in this particular area.

Fluctuating oil prices, political instability and social unrest in some of the major oil producing countries in the world are some of the factors which favour the switch to hydro-power in countries where this kind of facility is available. Guyana therefore becomes the ideal location for hydro-power with all its magnificent waterfalls.

Because we are dependent on petroleum products for our energy supplies, our country becomes susceptible to rising prices on the world market. When this happens, we must turn to alternative means of power which means diversification. And to say the least we have the resources in our many waterfalls to actively embark on a diversification programme to meet our energy needs.

Harnessing our hydro-electric resources will make a big difference in the lives of all the people of this country and the government should exploit every avenue at its disposal to ensure that this project becomes a reality.

The former president, Bharrat Jagdeo had spoken about a hydro-electric project for Guyana to offset the shocks of rising oil prices on the local economy and I am happy that his successor has a passion to continue the work he has left off. The Amelia Falls hydro-power project is expected to be built on the Kuribrong River and has the capacity to provide over 140 megawatts of electricity.


Yours truly,

M Augustus

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