Humanitarian Mission of New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir pays tribute to late Pandit Persaud

By Pt. S. Sugrim

I write on behalf of myself, the Board of Directors and Members of the Humanitarian Mission of New Jersey Arya Samaj Mandir, Inc., and its Guyana Chapter, and the Arya Samaj Movement of Toronto and the United States, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Pandit Reepu Daman Persaud’s family, the members of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, the PPP/Civic Government and people of Guyana on the passing of Pandit Reepu D. Persaud, a legend of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana and an icon of religious and political figure of our nation. He had a remarkable passion in which he demonstrated a lifelong commitment to religion, culture and politics. His demise was received with great sadness to our organisation, and the entire Guyanese community.
There isn’t much we can say or do to ease your pain of separation. However, please take comfort in knowing that our prayers and thoughts are with the entire family, friends and all his acquaintances during this very difficult time. We recognise that there is much pain involved in letting go of someone so dear to you and so loved by you, but we encourage you to surrender your pains to the feet of God Almighty, knowing that God is capable of and will remove the pain of separation. Additionally, be assured in knowing that God loves you, He is holding out His arms to comfort you at this critical juncture of your life , and with our collective prayers, God will strengthen your heart and help you find the solace that is deserving of such a compassionate and caring individual.
Pandit Jee was one of those extraordinary people who will never be forgotten in a lifetime. He will be remembered as a man whose life was devoted to the service of others and whose vision was marked by his determination to reignite the torch of Hinduism, culture and spirituality to the entire nation. He will be celebrated, much remembered for his simplicity, kindness and compassion that he has shown to so many.
His life was like a sunbeam that lit up the world around him, his family and friends. Now that he is not here with us, we can bask in the rainbow of loving memories that will live forever in our hearts.
No, it won’t be the same without him by any means, but we will go on as best as we can and look forward to the day we will meet him again in eternity, the City of Mukti. We shower our blessings and prayers and trust each of you will draw strength from God, your many spiritual friends and family who want to help you through this very difficult time.
As the people of Guyana mourn the passing of Pandit Jee, I pray that the opportunity will be taken on all sides to carry on his great vision and to work with renewed momentum towards peace, stability and prosperity for all Guyanese.
I remain the humble servant for the poor
Pt. Suresh Sugrim
President, Humanitarian Mission of NJ Arya Samaj Mandir Inc.

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