Hugh Ross has set a good example of what a healthy lifestyle is all about

Dear Editor,
Ace body builder, Hugh Ross is man to behold. He is Guyana’s most renowned bodybuilder. He epitomises success. He said it (as a promise) and he did it. So congratulations to the athlete. The man won the Masters Over-50, at NABBA (National Amateur Body-Building Association) World Championships. The achievement is no mean one, and it fulfills a pledge he had made.
Hugh Ross, in Ireland on Saturday, competing out of the United States of America, got the better of Dave Steele (England), Herbie Chang (Northern Ireland), Phil Kuklinski (New Zealand), Safa Tattan (Syria) and Dave Steca (England) respectively.
A month or so back, Ross had emphatically declared that retiring was not on his mind. This announcement transcended actual competition too.
Ross embraces a lifestyle that is conducive to longevity and good health, so there is only the “… until I get bored I’ll remain competing,” that can stop him.
I have this feeling, that his zest for living and competing may have been doubled, with this recent win. What I personally like about Ross is the way he challenges popular notions.
Athletes normally (they say), once over 30 years, start going on the decline. So, in this case, the body builder was supposed to have started losing muscle mass. However, Ross has been able to gain a solid two to three pounds of muscles every year.
According to Ross, he lives a very clean and healthy lifestyle. “I’m not like your typical person who wakes up and eats breakfast, lunch and dinner, that doesn’t cut it. I ensure I have proper nutrients, compounded with day to day training. Combining the two, I think I was able to be ahead of the game and I’m still competing with people who could’ve been my little sons.” Wow! What an inspiration! I ask that readers take the cue from this athlete.
I am very much aware that very few can be like this champion. This, however, does not say that elderly people must be resigned to a life of boredom, sitting and waiting for death. Guyana is a haven for those who would like to be fit and healthy. Again, I say it that non-athletes can still be as healthy as athletes – keep it simple by eating right and doing some exercises.
Yours sincerely,
Dennis Marks

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