How sweet it is!

Life in Guyana
Back in the (colonial) day, when you wanted to say someone had it real good, you’d say, “You got life in London!” Well, according to the Latin American Public Opinion Project (LAPOP), people might now be saying, “You got life in Guyana!”
A researcher from the University of Connecticut conducted research in 24 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean involving 38,631 persons as to how they felt about their lives. Happy or unhappy? Turns out that 70.7 per cent of Guyanese are happy with their lives as it is right now – compared with only 68.2 per cent Trinis, 63.4 per cent Jamaicans, and 63.2 per cent Surinamese who would say the same thing. Not surprisingly, Haiti came in way down at the bottom of the heap at 54.8 per cent. And this is what we’ve been saying all the time. If you listen to papers like the Muckraker and the rest of the opposition, you’d think that Guyanese just hate their lives.
With all the problems the Muckraker takes great pleasure to trumpet, if not concoct, you’d think we’d be below even Haiti.
But when you get to the Guyanese people themselves – they are happy. And why not? Hey… sure there’re problems and challenges. But where is there a world without that reality? We’re not in heaven yet, are we? The question is that, when considered in the grand scheme of things, can we say that life is on the whole good or bad and that we are happy or unhappy? And this is the honest answer of over 70 per cent of Guyanese – we’re happy! This news will make the Muckraker and the opposition unhappy, for sure. Look how much time and effort they’ve spent trying to convince Guyanese that things are so bad, we must be miserable. Well, we might not have the per capita income of Trinidad and Tobago and the other countries mentioned, but the results of the survey show that it’s not only money that delivers happiness. If this was so, the U. S. wouldn’t be using the most medicine in the world to fight depression.
Happiness comes to a person who looks around and sees that things are getting better. And this is what is happening in Guyana. Everywhere you look around, you can see progress.
Things are on the up and up… and this is how we have to keep it. It’s just that the Muckraker and the opposition want to convince people that white is black and red is yellow, or something. Throw them in the dustbin.
Life in City Hall
For almost 20 years, City Hall has become a veritable heaven for those around the mayor-for-life Hamilton Green – meaning most of the City Council and its officers. And why not? No one has a job description… basically it’s “do what you want”. Which is translated into “don’t do anything that has to do with your job”. Excepting, of course, it means filling your own pockets, as several officers showed recently.
So you’d expect us to snort a bit in disbelief, if not disgust, when we heard City Hall was going to collaborate with the folks from Parliament to “restore the city”. After all… look how well they’ve begun. They’ve already formed four committees!!!!!
“The four committees set are the Technical Committee, the Mobilisation Committee, Public Awareness Committee, and the Solid Waste Management Committee,” said the deputy mayor, Patricia Chase-Green. (The dyspeptic duo is like a law firm – Green and Green.) That’s progress, isn’t it? Any day now, we’ll hear about the sub-committees to service those committees. The sub-committee on refreshments; sub-committee on transportation around the city; sub-committee on liaisoning…..
To lie…
Stabber News claims that in Jan 2010, “the government and the National Frequency Management Unit signalled out of the blue they would be reviewing radio licence applications”. “Out of the blue”? What about the Appellate Court’s decision in September 2009 ordering Television Guyana to have a radio licence?

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