Houselot fraud accused granted Gy$1.7M bail

Two persons, slapped with three joint counts of obtaining money by false pretence, were granted Gy$ 1.7 million bail by acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry after they reportedly conned persons of Gy$ 80 million in a major houselot fraud.
Danica Griffith, 19, of Lot 23 Seaford Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, and Balkarram Lillie, 23, of Lot 24 North East Grove, East Bank Demerara, made their second appearance at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Friday.
On September 6, the duo were arraigned on the three indictable charges, which alleged that between May 1 and June 30 in Georgetown, with intent to defraud, they obtained Gy$ 250,000 from Ramkumar Rajban; Gy660,000 from Beena Stanislaus and Gy$ 380,000 from Latchmie Manbodh, by falsely pretending that they were in a position to acquire a houselot in Little Diamond, EBD, through the Housing Ministry, knowing same to be false.
On the last occasion, the prosecution informed the court that there are 18 more charges likely to be instituted against the accused hence the magistrate remanded the duo to prison.
She warned the prosecution that if on the next date, no additional charges are levied against the duo, she would consider bail.
When the matter was called last Friday, the prosecutor informed the court that no new charges were filed against the two accused, and bearing in mind the magistrate’s last warning, the prosecution had no objection to bail.
Attorney Rexford Jackson renewed his bail application for Griffith, stating that at the time these incidents are alleged to have been committed, his client was not in Georgetown but in Gation, Essequibo, adding that his client does not even know the other accused. The attorney stated that this is a case of mistaken identity, explaining when the identification parade was held, only one of the victims pointed out his client.
Meanwhile, Attorney Adrian Thompson made his first bail application on behalf of Lillie, stating that his client does not pose any flight risk and is willing to lodge his passport. He noted that his client is a reliable character and reiterated that the man does not know his co-accused. Attorney Thompson disclosed that his client had paid for a piece of land and was probably seen with the “con” people and maybe that is why he was arrested.
The acting chief magistrate informed the court, since the prosecution has no objections to bail, she would grant the defendants bail in the sums of Gy$ 500,000 for the first charge; Gy$ 700,000 for the second; and Gy$ 500,000 for the third charge, or like surety.
The duo will return to court on September 27.

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