Honouring his daughter

After losing his daughter to cancer, Leslie Black vows to help others fight against this disease

A man of strength, which transcends beyond the physical and is embedded in his very spirit, Leslie Black feverishly commits his time and his more than two decades of expertise as an athletics coach to push both himself and others to in the fight against cancer.

Leslie Black

This “GTT Pink Warrior” has dedicated much of his time to working alongside the Guyana Cancer Foundation (GCF), something he was inspired to get involved in after losing his daughter to cancer.
In the year 2012, tragedy struck Leslie’s family when his daughter died from Stage 4 cancer. His family had first become aware of his now late daughter’s illness when she had begun spitting up blood in 2008. She was taken to various doctors and specialists and began treatment soon after being diagnosed with the illness. Unfortunately, the cancer continued to spread, leaving the entire family devastated after her untimely death.
Having had the experience of how cancer changes the lives of not only its victims but their loved ones as well, Leslie wants to encourage both men and women to ensure they are getting their regular check-ups. Most persons, he stated, would wait until something happens to them before they get a check-up and this can be dangerous as often, there are no immediate symptoms of the disease.
When his daughter had become ill, Leslie searched for ways he could become involved in the fight against cancer and it was then that he began working with the Guyana Cancer Foundation. Every year since then, Leslie continues to offer his help and support to the GCF.
Doing more this year, Leslie decided that his contribution in helping to spread awareness would be made through offering his experience of being a coach. This he did at the recently held Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) 5k/10k walk/run.
Leslie met with participants for a half hour every day where he offered training free of cost. Leslie’s aim was to not only help these persons, but to create a lasting impact on the exercise habits of those participating. GTT recognises these efforts made by Leslie and has pledged to continue to support him in his philanthropic visions. (Press release and photo from GTT)

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