Holder hospitalised for intestinal blockage

Prime Ministerial Candidate of the Alliance For Change party, Sheila Holder, is currently a patient of a city hospital, being treated for an intestinal blockage.

It is unclear whether her current illness is related to the surgery she had undergone last year. Initial reports had suggested that Holder was suffering from food poisoning, but in a telephone interview with Guyana Times International, the veteran politician confirmed she was suffering from an intestinal blockage. This is commonly known as bowel obstruction, and is a mechanical or functional obstruction of the intestines, preventing the normal transit of the products of digestion.

An abdominal CT scan or x-ray would be required to ascertain that the symptoms are consistent with those of intestinal blockage. If the tests prove positive, a tube can be passed through the nose into the intestines to relieve the patient of the blockage. If the tube is unable to relieve the patient, then a surgery might be required.

A source within the party has confirmed that Holder, 64, may have to undergo surgery. Just recently, at an AFC-organised event at the University of Guyana, Holder said she had dedicated her life to public service and had entered politics for this reason.

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