Hold me… loose me

Satiricus was bemused. Bemused, not amused…that is, perplexed. Here it was, APNU has been clamouring since July for Rodee to resign or for the president to fire him. Against all parliamentary convention – Satiricus had to look it up as a journalistic scribbler – they’d even tabled and passed a ‘motion of no confidence’ in him to make sure he jumped or was pushed. They all took a blood oath they wouldn’t recognise him as home affairs minister. But here was Moustache Billiams, Chairman of PNCEE, demanding that Rodee testify before the CoI – as HOME AFFAIRS MINISTER!!!
“Budday!! Yuh lookin’ fuh logic from de opposition?” asked Cappo with his eyebrows arched to the max. “Yuh lookin’ fuh run off or wha’?”
“Sato, me friend,” said Hari consolingly, “the only thing these jokers in the opposition want is to remove the PPEE from office. That’s why they jumping from limb to limb on this Rodee demand.”
“The higher monkey jump, de more ah eh backside does show,” said Suresh calmly. “Let we pick sense from nonsense. No evidence has come out that Rodee ordered the shooting, yet they want him out.”
“Not only that,” pointed out Teacher Samad, who’d just celebrated Eid, “The commission found it was the opposition who broke the law – and told the people to break the law – but they calling for Rodee to be fired!”
“Dem count deh eggs too quick,” suggested Bungi. “Dem bin sure de police kill dem three chaps in Linden.”
“They ask for commission, they get commission,” pointed out Hari. “They ask for foreign commissioners, they get foreign commissioners.”
“But was no way they could get all those people to tell the story they made up,” said Suresh firmly. “The truth had to creep out!”
“Everyday bucket does guh a well, one day de bottom gon fall out,” said Cappo. “Yuh na see? Wid all de trouble dem mek in Linden, ah wha dem get?”
“They learn that “nah every crab hole gat crab”!” chortled Kuldeep. “But I think the crab at Agricola bite them hard!!”
“But back to Linden, the commission can’t even show that the police fire the bullets that killed the three fellas,” complained Hari. “And the opposition won’t get off Rodee back.”
“Me can understand Link Kan and Trot Man, but is wha’ kind a people ah dis Ram Jhaat Tan and Naga Man?” asked Cappo peevishly. “Dem na lawyer? How dem can seh is OK fuh people fuh break de law?”
“Is the whole pack of them are lawyers!” shouted Suresh, “They supposed to uphold the law as officers of the court. They should all spend some time at Camp Street!”
“Forget the court,” pointed out Kuldeep with a smile, “Berbice gon give Naga Man and Ram Jhaat Tan a good sentence next elections!”
“Dem jump too high,” noted Cappo. “When yuh play out all yuh trump cards yuh gat to lose till game done. And dis game gat years befo’ it done!”
“Crapau’ na gat no business ah salt water,” said his partner Bungi with finality. “An we dealin’ wid some real crapaud here!” Bottles clinked all around as everyone around the table guffawed heartily.

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