Hinterland villages receive sports gear

Five ministers, including Sport Minister, Dr Frank Anthony, visited Region Eight last week and distributed sports gear to various villages. Kamarang, Paruima, Kaikan, Chinoweing, Waramadong, Phillipai, Kako, Jawalla, and Warawatta were the recipients of the gear.
Dr Frank Anthony, Sport Minister, Dr Leslie Ramsammy (Minister of Agriculture), Norman Whittaker (Minister within the Ministry of Local Government), Ganga Persaud (Minister of Local Government), and Juan Edghill (Junior Finance Minister) were the ministers who visited the region.
The sports gear they received included footballs, football nets, cricket pads, cricket bats, cricket balls, volleyballs, volleyball nets, and lawn tennis racquets and balls.
Dr Anthony stated that the distribution is an effort to motivate the villagers to play the various sports, noting that it is one of the most effective ways of keeping fit and having a healthy lifestyle.
He added that sport is a good recreation and some of these villagers can represent Guyana in competitive sports in the future.
The visit was organised by the Government of Guyana where groups of ministers carried out comprehensive outreaches in the remote hinterland areas in Guyana. The ministers interacted with the villagers and discussed issues affecting them.
Last month the first visit was made to Region Eight where similar sport gears were distributed to Monkey Mountain, Kurukubaru, Orindulk, Kopinang, Taruka, Tuseneng, Bamboo Creek, Kato, Awasowa, Itabac, Kanapang, Chiung Mounth, Waipa, Sand Hills, Kaibarupai, Kamana, Malkwak, and Paramakatoi.

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