Hinterland Electrification Programme enters second phase

One hundred and eighty-four hinterland communities where the majority of households are still without any form of electricity are now one step closer to receiving solar home systems.

According to a Government Information Agency (GINA) release, the first batch of 11,000 systems earmarked for free distribution has begun to arrive in Guyana. This intervention is a key priority identified within the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), and will usher in the second stage of the Hinterland Electrification Programme (HEP).

The HEP was launched in 2005 when the government sought to explore options for the sustainable electrification of the hinterland, as part of the national Unserved Areas Electrification Programme (UAEP).

The programme, being executed by the Hinterland Electrification Unit of the Office of the Prime Minister, will empower villagers with the necessary skills in the use and maintenance of these sustainable energy sources. As such, over the past two months, some 355 persons from the 184 villages were trained in the assembly, installation and maintenance of the solar systems

Pilot testing took place after the HEP launch and 65w photo-voltaic (PV) solar home systems emerged as the most feasible option for electrification for households.

As such, 11,000 systems will be distributed in isolated communities that remain too distant and lack sufficient load to be connected to the grid system.

In time, larger panels will be fitted in primary schools and health centres. To date, 1,729 households have benefitted from the HEP, 21 primary schools and two health centers.

Assessment of the pilot programme which concluded in 2010 revealed that the solar systems helped to improve the quality of life in many households, with increases in appliances owned, increased reading, completion of school assignments and listening to educational programmes. Communities also saw marked increase in economic activities such as sewing, knitting and cake making.

Improving energy access is recognised as a key area for expanding access to affordable, clean energy which plays a crucial role in realising the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and achieving the objectives of sustainable development under the LCDS.

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