‘Hindu School’ produces Guyana’s top CXC students

…Top student gains 20 Grade Ones

Victoria Najab of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) school is Guyana's top CXC student with 20 Grade Ones.
Victoria Najab of the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN) school is Guyana’s top CXC student with 20 Grade Ones.

The Ministry of Education in Guyana has released the results of the 2015 Caribbean Secondary Examinations Council (CSEC) and the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) which show the Saraswati Vidya Niketan (SVN), a private school at Cornelia Ida, in Region Three, copping the four top spots and Queens College dominating the CAPE performances.

SVN had more than 10 students in the preliminary results with Victoria Najab [Top Student] receiving 20 grade ones, Vamanad Hiralall with 19 grade ones and one grade two. Two other students of the school also scored 13 grade ones and these were; Parmeshrie Ramprasad and Nashani Nandalal.

Aaliyah Rasheed of Anna Regina Secondary scored 19 Grade Ones. Joshanna Hopksinson and Ashley Anthony of Queen’s College scored 18 and 17 Grade ones, respectively.

Meanwhile, Cecil Cox of Queens College scored six Grade Ones and one Grade Three at CAPE, while Larissa Whiltshire also of Queens College scored 6 Grade ones.

Sandra Woodroffe, also of Queens College, scored 6 Grade Ones, while Shonta Noel of St Roses scored six Grade ones and one Grade Two, both at CAPE.

Vamanad Hiralall, also of SVN, is the second best performer, with 19 Grade Ones and a Grade Two.
Vamanad Hiralall, also of SVN, is the second best performer, with 19 Grade Ones and a Grade Two.

Full analysis of individual candidates’ performances is not yet available. However, we have decided to publish a list of candidates who have secured Grade Ones passes in eight or more subjects from the Caribbean Examinations Council.

In response to our request for the list of persons who have secured Grade One passes in eight or more subjects, we received a list of one hundred and seventy two (172) candidates.

Of these forty seven (47) candidates secured eleven (11) Grades Ones or more, these candidates are listed below:

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