Highest tide for year tops 3.36 metres

The Public Works Ministry urged residents of vulnerable, low- lying areas to take precautionary measures, in light of the high tide which resulted in overtopping in several areas.

Speaking with the Government Information Agency (GINA), Transport and Hydraulics Minister Robeson Benn said that at around 17: 45hrs on Thursday, the tide was about 3.36 metres ( 11.08 feet), the highest thus far for the year.

It was expected to be approximately 3.31 metres (10.92 feet) Friday.

Minister Benn said that several areas in all the sea defence districts have reported overtopping and minor breaches. In Water Street, Georgetown, overtopping occurred at several areas.

Similar instances have been reported at Craig, East Bank Demerara, and at Goed Fortuin and Sister’s villages on the West Bank of Demerara, where water has entered yards and bottom houses.

The ministry has also notified the more than 60 squatters occupying the sea defence reserves at Herstelling, East Bank Demerara that they have a maximum of 14 days to vacate the area.

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