High tides batter WCD communities

Sandbags and other barriers secured the doors of houses along the West Coast of Demerara which were battered from flooding this weekend as normalcy is yet to return to the lives of many affected persons.
As a matter of fact, the frequency of overtopping due to high tides has stirred fear among communities. As more high spring tides are expected, many are dreading how they will handle the situation.
Those communities affected include Blankenburg, Hague, Den Amstel, Fellowship, Cornelia Ida, Anna Catherina, and Uitvlugt Oceanview. Since Saturday morning, the tides have been unforgiving to these coastal areas.
This is the second major inundation to hit the communities in just over one year. Last March, breaches in the sea defence resulted in persons being relocated to shelters after their homes were severely flooded.
Monday saw villagers on a cleanup spree, scrubbing and washing their yards that were stained with the ocean water. On other premises, furniture and other items stood outside to be dried.
However, a mother of six, Jacqueline Henry said her biggest concern was that her children did not make it to school due to the situation. Many of their clothes and furniture in the bottom flat of their house were soaked from the overtopping Atlantic waves.
“For the first day, we had it inside. Most of my children school stuff damage. Only the big ones them gone to school because I couldn’t find everything this morning,” Henry said.
She recalled the March 2018 flooding, stating, “Last year, everything was gone. Everything. Me didn’t had nothing that save from last year. As soon as we hear the water coming, we put up everything and put them in order.”
Meanwhile, Sankar Mangra said his livestock and plants suffered from the floodwaters. He stated that they are still awaiting compensation from last year’s flooding as little relief was provided this time around.
“The first one was more serious. The whole thing break down and nobody didn’t come to look we. Them just promise and promise and nothing. The people who had the flood and danger didn’t get nothing. This time was two days and two nights and nobody really didn’t come round. They just bring soap powder and bleach and we already use all out done,” the man recalled.
While the water had retreated from his home, they were yet to clean the surroundings.
This publication also caught up with Azeem Syad, who was constructing a concrete barricade to stop any future floodwaters from entering.
“Everything damage up. Nobody come to do nothing. Look at this place. We just do some mason work just to block the water,” the affected man relayed.
Many persons have assessed their losses to be in the millions. They continue to blame the poor drainage system – a problem which fails to irrigate properties during such unfortunate events.
In one area at Uitvlugt, some excavation works were done for pipes to be installed. But residents have positively expressed that this will not control the issue entirely.

During this time, the Public Health Ministry sent out a warning, urging persons to stay out of the water and keep food items safe. Water-borne diseases can be contracted through contact with these waters.
The notice warned, “Direct contact with floodwaters can expose you to several germs that can lead to any of these diseases. Keep children especially out of the water as they are most at risk of contracting diseases. Avoid swimming in canals and trenches. During the rainy season and floods, these become contaminated by both human and animal faeces and can make you sick.”
Protective gear should be used along with regular washing of feet after exiting the waters. If necessary, Vaseline or oil can be applied to form a barrier to protect from the dirty water.
Adding to that, water poses as breeding grounds for mosquitoes which spread Zika, dengue and chikungunya virus. Fruits and vegetables should be washed thoroughly with clean water to prevent contamination.
Instructions were given to turn off the main electrical outlet as well as equipment.
“Protect against electric shock by turning off the main electrical switch and unplug all appliances and move them to safe areas of your homes if your home is at threat of flooding. If you suspect electrical wiring have been damaged in your home, turn off the main and have it checked by a qualified electrician before turning on back the power.”
For any injuries, the West Demerara Regional Hospital, Leonora Hospital and other regional and district hospitals’ outpatient departments are all fully operational.
The Public Infrastructure Ministry has said that there were no breaches in the defence structure but they are monitoring the situation. (Rupa Seenaraine)

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