HG means Hamilton Green and ….

Once upon a time, everybody used to call de city of Georgetown de ‘garden city’. That was because in de old days de city was clean and nice. De streets never had garbage. People never used to throw dem thrash all over de place.
In dem old days, yuh coulda bring out yuh family and walk down de streets and yuh never woulda smell any ting bad. All de gutters use to always be clean and dem was never clogged up with stink water and garbage. Georgetown was a true ‘garden city.’
That was long time though. But as de chutney song seh, “This time nah long time, this time nah long time, this nah deh before time.” Well, that song is so true because de whole town full up with garbage nowadays. Plenty people don’t seh Georgetown no more. Dem does seh GT – G fuh George and T fuh Thrash.
GT is de only city that got so much garbage, but yet it got de longest serving mayor Ham Turn Green. In order fuh Ham Turn Green to be mayor fuh so long, and fuh de city to have so much garbage fuh so long, it had to mean that de mayor like to be in plenty garbage.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! A man in de street seh HG mean Hamilton Green and de Home of Garbage.

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