Heritage Home of Cheddi, Janet Jagan

Memories of indomitable freedom fighters are preserved in what was once their humble abode

Dr Cheddi and Janet Jagan
Dr Cheddi and Janet Jagan

Managed by the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre, the home of the late Jagans was declared open to the public by their daughter, Nadira, on 30 April 2009, after Mrs Jagan died in March of the same year.

The house was built in 1966, the year of Guyana’s independence, and designed by Dr Jagan. This was the family’s first owned home, as up to late 1966 they had been living in rented houses since returning to British Guiana in 1943. Their children had both left by 1972 for studies overseas. Dr Jagan and his wife lived here until 1992 when he moved to the State House after being democratically elected President of Guyana. He lived there until his illness on 14 February 1997.

After her husband’s death, Mrs Jagan returned to the home in 1997 and lived here until her death on 28 March 2009. She also lived there while she was president from 1997 to 1999.

Some changes were made to the house in 1997. Originally, the wooden front of the house, which is now grey, was stained dark. The kitchen and bathroom were redone.

The tour

Former president Bharrat Jagdeo speaking at the opening of the Jagan's residence as a heritage home in Bel Air
Former president Bharrat Jagdeo speaking at the opening of the Jagan’s residence as a heritage home in Bel Air

The Jagan’s modest wooden home consists of three bedrooms, one bathroom, a study, living room, dining room and a kitchen.

Entering the home, visitors will go through the entrance room, which was used as a greeting place if the family had other visitors. There was a door opening out to the yard but this was later closed off because of water seeping in when it rained heavily. This was the only change made to this room from its original state.

The focal point of the living room is said to be the carpet purchased by Dr Jagan from Kissoon’s Furniture Store in 1966. Collections of books, found in all the rooms of the house, cover a wide range of topics, and the many paintings and sculptures were collected by Mrs Jagan over the last 66 years. There are copies of original paintings done by Guyanese artist Stanley Greaves and many other local and international artists. The photo of Kaieteur Falls was taken by their daughter Nadira and presented to Dr Jagan on his 75th birthday.

There is a blue chair in the room used by Mrs Jagan during the last few years of her life. The large photographic collection covers the period from the 1940s to 2009. They include historical photos from the couple’s early days in the US, the early political struggle, the history in photos of the 1953, 1957, 1961 and 1992 PPP governments, photos of private moments with family, overseas visits, and their funerals.

The study was designed to house all of Dr and Mrs Jagan’s papers and books, and to provide a quiet space for them to work. The desk that Dr Jagan worked on was bought by his father as a gift after Dr Jagan returned to British Guiana from the US. This is where he sat down to write his articles, speeches and most importantly, many of his books, including his autobiographical work, “The West on Trial”. The painting of Dr Jagan that now hangs above his desk was placed there after his death.

In the dining room the family had all their meals; meals were never eaten in the living room. The BBC was always on in the mornings during breakfast. The stove is one of the home’s original pieces, having been purchased in 1966. The kitchen was remodelled in 1997 and a few changes were made to the cupboard doors. When there was not any extra help in the house, Mrs Jagan cooked the meals and cleaned the house but Dr Jagan would clear the table and wash up the dishes. His job was to polish the wooden floors when they needed to be done.

Dr Jagan enjoyed resting in the hammock and even had one at his office at Freedom House during his years as Leader of the Opposition and one at State House when he was President from 1992 to 1997. The typewriters at Mrs Jagan’s desk are the ones she used to type her articles for the periodicals Thunder and the Mirror along with her children stories and her personal correspondences. She never used a computer.  After she returned home in 1997, she would write her weekly articles by hand at the dining room table.

The size of the veranda was enlarged in 1995 and a covered roof added. This is where the Jagan family enjoyed entertaining their guests or just spending quality time together as a family. Almost all of the trees in the yard were planted by Dr Jagan. He took care of the yard and the planting of fruit trees, flowering trees such as the flamboyant trees, vegetable gardens, and flowers. He loved his orchids. He also at different time had chickens, rabbits, and even sheep. Working in the yard was a joy for him, and his form of relaxation. He spent hours there whenever he had the chance. Unfortunately he was not able to spend time doing this during his years as president.

Sunday was the only day off if they did not have meetings and it was spent quietly. The mornings would begin with Dr Jagan in the yard and Mrs Jagan cleaning the house. For lunch, the family enjoyed Mrs Jagan’s Sunday meal of roast chicken, baked potatoes, stuffing and lots of fruits.

After lunch, both husband and wife would nap then they would sit together on the veranda or go to the seawall for a walk. Later in the evening, Mrs Jagan would read; one of her many loves. Dr Jagan would end up at his desk.

This was their life together: a loving couple who, together in a loving home, were able to create much change in the lives of so many Guyanese and transform the country. (www. jagan.org)

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