Henry Greene rape allegations probe underway

Police Commissioner Henry Greene

A team of investigators from the Jamaica Police Force have arrived in Guyana to commence their investigations into the rape allegations against Police Commissioner Henry Greene. According to a well-placed source within the office of the Commissioner of Police in Jamaica, the team arrived in Guyana last week and started their preliminary investigations.

The report, she noted, will be submitted to the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, President Donald Ramotar upon its completion.

A top local official has also confirmed that the investigators have arrived and have commenced their investigations. The official declined to divulge further information.

When Guyana Times International contacted Police Commissioner Henry Greene to enquire whether or not the investigators have met with him, he declined to comment on the issue. Attempts to contact the attorney representing the victim proved futile.

In December 2011, a 34-year-old mother of two accused Greene of raping her at a city hotel on November 22. The woman broke her story to the media before going with her attorney Nigel Hughes to the Brickdam Police Station to file an official complaint.

This revelation has stirred national interest in the matter, leading to A Partnership for National Unity executive member Winston Felix lashing out at the commissioner.

Felix added that this is not the first time Greene has found himself in such a “distasteful” situation. He noted that there was a similar incident back in 1974 and again, Greene found himself in hot water in 1994 at the Police Officers’ Mess where he had a violent altercation with a member of the force.

The APNU recommended that Greene do the “honourable thing” and resign. The Alliance For Change (AFC) has also called for Greene to be interdicted.

President Ramotar granted Greene leave in December to facilitate investigations into the rape allegations.

Days after the matter was made public, Crime Chief Seelall Persaud pointed out that investigations were stalled, since it was improper for the organisation to investigate its head hence the agreement to solicit external help.

Meanwhile, Assistant Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell is serving in the capacity of commissioner in the interim.

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