Health Ministry introduces fitness drive

With more persons losing their lives to diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure, the need
to introduce a fun way of getting fit had to be conceptualised to reduce mortality rates

'Fit It Guyana' at the Caribbean Wellness Week Health Fair 2013
‘Fit It Guyana’ at the Caribbean Wellness Week Health Fair 2013

The Ministry of Health, (Chronic Diseases Unit) in collaboration with Harris Arts, has introduced “Weight No More- Fit It! Guyana”, to encourage persons to develop a healthier lifestyle and to prevent and combat non-communicable diseases.

In a recent interview with the media, Ministry of Health (Chronic Disease Department) coordinator Karen Gordon-Boyle, said 60 percent of all deaths are due to chronic diseases. She added that 80 percent of chronic disease related deaths occur in low or middle income countries. Gordon-Boyle also pointed out that among the leading causes of deaths in Guyana are heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and hypertension.

Trevor Smith, operations manager of Harris Arts, told  Guyana Times Sunday Magazine  that due to the harsh reality of these statistics, the Ministry of Health saw it pertinent to initiate the “Fit It Guyana” campaign.

“In order to address this situation, Ministry of Health in collaboration with Harris Arts decided to launch this campaign. The ministry wanted a campaign to engage the public using the visual media, and so Harris Arts is providing this. Harris Arts has a number of years in using various forms of the media in advocating for healthy lifestyles and so we are using our experience to make this initiative a successful one,” Smith explained.


TV Show

“Fit It Guyana” is also the name of an upcoming reality television show that would record this three-month campaign and competition. Cameras would follow the journey of those selected for the programme who have embarked on the path towards a healthier lifestyle. Their stories, struggles, and successes as they seek to adopt a new and healthier behaviour would be aired on a live television programme.

'Fit It Guyana' team screens registrants before they embark on their journey
‘Fit It Guyana’ team screens registrants before they embark on their journey

Smith also pointed out that the reality television show was conceptualised to serve as an encouragement for others to get healthy, with the hope that those watching would be motivated to join the campaign, and in doing so help in combating non-communicable diseases. The first episode would be aired October 10 on TV channels 9, 11, 28 and 72.

Before embarking on their fitness journey, registrants’ sugar levels, cholesterol, blood pressure and Body Mass Index are tested. After screening, suitable candidates a selected to join the campaign.

“Our focus is to show that getting fit will not be an easy task, but with determination it can be done. Registrants are placed into groups because we want them to have the support and motivation of those who are also suffering just the same. These ones have signed up with various gym instructors who were already debriefed on our project and know what they need to do to help. Registrants will not only exercise but will be guided on their diet. Some who cannot afford to join the gym have formed groups to meet weekly and engage in some form of physical activity,” Smith outlined.

Speaking about the show, Smith explained that it has various components.

For the “Fit Mind” component, psychologists will talk on mental fitness and therapy. In the “Fit Body” segment, the teams will be receiving advice from medical doctors, nutritionists and fitness trainers.

Then there is “Fashion Fit’” which will allow competitors to walk the runway in style and get advice on how to maintain their physique after losing weight. Guyana Fashion Weekend and its CEO Sonia Noel are onboard, said Smith, and Noel is offering the prize to design outfits for the winners of the “Mr. and Mrs. Fit” competition.

“Tech Fit” will invite tech experts to advise on how the registrants can use technology in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

“Then there is “Financially Fit”. Some cry out that being healthy is expensive, but we will show them healthy meals that will work with their budget.  We will also do a comparison between how much they pay for a fast food meal and what they can eat healthy for that same money,” Smith disclosed.

A highlight of the show, Smith divulged, is a Christmas weigh-in. Cameras will follow the registrants as they fight the temptation of indulging during the December holidays. A weigh-in will be done before Christmas and then another after. In January, there will be a live grand finale, with live weigh-ins and a recap of the participants’ journeys. Smith forecasts it to be an emotional one for all involved.



Denise Harris, CEO of Harris Arts stated that the reality television would combine with a documentary to produce a 15-minute production.

“I have seen the efforts of some who are really overweight signing up and I applaud them. We are here to give them back their lives. We are giving them a second chance. Our focus is to guide these ones on the path of becoming fit and so we will work with them to accomplish this,” she said.

Harris also noted that “Fit It Guyana” will also help the Ministry of Health to gather pertinent information on non-communicable diseases and other vital statistics for their records.

“Fit It Guyana” was conceptualised to help participants to have fun and at the same time get healthy and be rewarded for it.

“We’ll be at GuyExpo and we’re encouraging those who are interested to form groups of five because we’re not accepting just one individual alone. So far, we have had an overwhelming response and we expect more at GuyExpo. Fit It Guyana is a pilot project. Once we are successful we hope it will become an annual venture. So far we have seen more women than men, and so my encouragement is for the men to come out and join us. We appeal to the men who are affected by these non-communicable diseases to take charge of their lives because being fit is possible. With determination it can be done. Look out for the Ministry of Health banner at GuyExpo. We are eagerly waiting to sign persons up to get fit,” Harris urged.


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