Harmon to run for PNCR Chairmanship

Executive member of the People’s National Congress (PNC) and Minister of State, Joseph Harmon has announced that he will be challenging Basil Williams for the position of Chairman of the PNC.

Williams, who is also a party executive, is currently the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs.
Harmon made the announcement in a short statement on Monday. He said that the PNC held its Congress biannually at which all positions of leadership (inclusive of Party Leader and Central Executives) were up for voting.
“That is the democracy which we practise. So every member of the Party can aspire to the highest office in our party and like many others, I am a member of the Party of long standing and, therefore, have indicated that it is my desire and my interest in putting myself up as a candidate for the chairmanship of the Party,” said Harmon.
The PNC on Saturday last held its second General Council Meeting for the year.
In April, Williams had hinted that he may run again for the chairmanship.
“I am servant of the PNC and a servant of my party. They know me. I have been working steadily throughout the years, and me and my comrades… so we don’t think that’s an issue,” he stated.

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