Hare Krishna Society continues to grow in U.S.

By: Matie Singh

Fifteen months ago, the Hare Krishna Society of Queens, Inc (HKSQ) officially opened its doors to the public in honor of their Lordship of Sri Sri Nitai Mayapur Chandra on 104th Avenue and 122nd Street in Queens, New York.

“There are ten million people in New York alone and only a few [Hare Krishna] centers, so this mandir is a must,” board member, Prakash Jaggernauth said during an interview.

In 1972 Srila Prabhupada introduced the Vedic system of primary and secondary education in the West when he established the gurukula school in Dallas, Texas. Since then his disciples have established similar schools throughout the United States and the rest of the world. There are approximately 421 mandirs in 96 countries and 604 cities, 50 farming villages, innumerable gurukuls (schools) and a strong congregation numbering in the millions that keep increasing.

Currently programs are held in a makeshift basement Mandir, under the guidance of His Holiness Romapada Swami and the authority of ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (GBC). The membership continues to grow in various parts of the USA.

Looking towards a life of spiritual advancement, members of Internal Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) – commonly known as the ‘Hare Krishna Movement’ follow the recommendations in the Vedic scriptures such as staying way from such habits as gambling, using alcohol, meat-eating and illicit sex.

“Intoxicants destroy the discipline needed to practice bhakti-yoga and clouds the mind which over-stimulates the senses. We eat only vegetarian food because the Lord has provided a variety of vegetarian food to keep a person fit and healthy which in turn curb the violence against animals.” Said Mithuna Das; a lover of philosophy and active member of the mandir.

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