H2H data emerged from ‘a series of poisonous events’

Dear Editor,
Data gathered during the truncated House-to-House exercise is poisonous. It is derived from a sequence of poisoned events beginning with the illegal unilateral appointment of Justice James Patterson (Retired) by President David Granger; then Patterson authorised the H2H exercise with the full understanding that a constitutionally mandated election was overdue by 82 days when he reputedly signed the order on June 11, 2019, and that he (Patterson) was facing a decision on the legality of his appointment on June 18, 2019.
The H2H data is itself improperly gathered, done without the requisite party scrutineer component; by poorly trained enumerators; and on a non-statutory form. An examination of the H2H data reveals poor spelling, handwriting and comprehension skills, much of it is illegible; names and addresses jumbled beyond salvage. Any Information Technology person can tell you that ‘garbage in’ always equals ‘garbage out’, which in computing other data fields, means incorrect or poor-quality input will produce faulty output.
In legal arguments about the doctrine of ‘the fruit of the poisoned tree’, evidence is deemed useable or valid if, despite the tainted source, the evidence would inevitably have been discovered anyway. The ‘evidence’ in this case would be the data of first-time registrants, and indeed, that ‘evidence’ would have been discovered during a period of Continuous Registration or Claims and Objections. However, the H2H data was so poorly collected and without the requisite safeguards of multiple party scrutineers; it could stand on its own as a poisonous fruit, the H2H data is toxic waste.
Once the period for Claims and Objections to the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE) is concluded, it becomes the Revised Voters’ List (RVL) and then the Official List of Electors (OLE) and there is no known legal or statutory process to add names to the OLE save and except a Claims and Objections exercise. The Claims period is now over and there can be no legal merger of this toxic H2H data with the Preliminary List of Electors (PLE). Any action that allows a merger would result in taint and bloat of the PLE with unverified data; untested by a Claims and Objections exercise; which (unverified and untested data) would afflict the Revised Voters’ List and spread the malaise to the OLE.
Editor, the entire imbroglio that began with the illegal unilateral appointment of James Patterson is the poisonous seed from whence comes the tree, on which the H2H fruit hangs. It is our fervent civic duty to take an axe to its roots before the children eat the poisoned fruit and also to stop the serpent who would entreat us to ‘take a bite’.

Robin Singh

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