Gy$57M dorm commissioned at Charity

The Region Two administration in collaboration with the Education Ministry last Thursday commissioned a spanking Gy$57 million dormitory at Charity, on the Essequibo Coast. Some 200 children from the most desolate areas in Essequibo, inclusive of the Pomeroon and Moruca, Region One, are expected to benefit from this prudent investment.

The newly commissioned dormitory at Charity
The newly commissioned dormitory at Charity

At a simple commissioning ceremony held at the facility, Region Two Chairman Parmanand Persaud told parents, teachers and students that the investment made by the Education Ministry will expose students from the Pomeroon to both primary and secondary education. He said the dormitory will provide children with a comfortable living quarter as well as free meals while studying.
Persaud said the children will be supervised by a dorm mother and father who will look after their welfare. He noted too that social workers will also visit the children at the dormitory in an effort to offer counselling and guidance.
He noted that while the dormitory is accepting children, there is more work to be done around the school’s compound, adding that a recreational facility will be built for the children. The chairman announced that over the years, the government has been investing heavily in the education sector, noting that of late, four new dormitories have been built in Region Two. Dormitories have been built at Anna Regina, Aurora, Charity and Wakapoa in the Pomeroon, widening the scope of educational opportunities for children in these areas.
Persaud called on all stakeholders to care the dormitory and ensure that it functions to the benefit and in the best interest of all. After the commissioning, Persaud toured the newly constructed dormitory and inspected the dining room and other facilities of the building. He was accompanied by Regional Education Officers Leslie Charles; Regional Executive Officer Sunil Singh and parents of the Charity Parent Teacher Association.
Several parents expressed their gratitude to the Education Ministry for constructing the dormitory. One parent from Kabakaburi said the dormitory will enable her to save the money she struggles to find to meet her children’s travelling expenses. Several other parents echoed similar sentiments.

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