Gy$27.4M dormitory being built at Anna Regina Technical Institute

The Region Two administration has commenced construction on a dormitory in the compound of the Essequibo Technical Institute.

The multi-million dollar dormitory under construction

According to reports presented to councillors at the last Regional Democratic Council statutory meeting for 2011, Regional Vice Chairman Vishnu Samaroo said Gy$27.4 million is being spent for the construction of a modern dormitory. He told councillors that the dormitory will provide adequate accommodation for students from the hinterland communities who are willing to pursue their studies at the technical institute.

He noted that the contract was awarded to Seepersaud Contracting Services.

Regional Chairman Alli Baksh, who had made strong representations for the dormitory, told councillors that many students from the Pomeroon, Essequibo Islands and Region One will be the beneficiaries of the new dormitory. He said several students from these communities are presently attending the institute, which has put pressure on the administration to find accommodation for them.

He said that when the dormitory is completed in November it will afford hinterland students more opportunities to study and elevate themselves. He said the institute normally attracts about 60 students from the far-flung areas, and previously some applications were denied due to lack of accommodation. According to Baksh, a group of parents lobbied him for the construction of a dormitory.

Principal of the institute, Michael Turner, said that indeed the institute was in need of a dormitory. He expressed gratitude to the administration for constructing the dorm. He said that, with the dormitory, the institute can accommodate additional students from the Essequibo Islands. The institute offers technical and vocational training to students, as well as diploma courses in business studies and computing.

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