…Uitvlugt 40,000 tonnes target ‘achievable’ – Estate Manager
By Lakeram Bhagirat

Forty thousand tonnes of sugar by 2020 is achievable but lack of labour would severely hamper that target, according to Uitvlugt Estate Manager, Yudhisthira Mana. However, Mana identified that if that target is not met then the estate would incur a loss.
Mana was at the time addressing a gathering of sugar workers, community leaders and residents of Uitvlugt Village, West Coast Demerara. The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is conducting a series of community outreaches in sugar dependent communities throughout the country. This comes on the heels of the closure of the Wales Estate and the Government’s proposed closure of the Enmore, Rose Hall and Skeldon Estates.
The aim of the outreaches includes creating awareness of the need for employees to show up to harvest cane and mobilising community leaders and other stakeholders, such as customers, suppliers, government, private and civil society sectors around the importance of improving attendance on all Estates.
With the closure of the Wales Estate, the sugar cane processed at the facility is sent to the Uitvlugt Estate and, according to Mana, the target of 40,000 tonnes of sugar by the year 2020 is an ‘achievable’ task. He noted that the factory is expected to produce some 18,000 tonnes of sugar by the end of 2017.
Forty thousand tonnes challenge
The greater the target, the greater the challenges of achieving that, Mana says. He adds that the major hindrance towards achieving the target is the failure of workers to attend work. Some 375 workers, harvesters and planters, from the Wales Estate refused to take the approximate 45 minutes commute to the Uitvlugt Estate and as a result, production is severely hampered.