GuyExpo preparations in full swing

Preparations for the highly anticipated GuyExpo 2012 are in full swing, as Guyana’s premier trade fair and investment show looms closer.
This year’s exhibition, launched under the theme, “Strengthening the Traditional, Embracing the New” promises to provide the perfect platform for the showcasing of local businesses and investment opportunities.

Acting Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Irfaan Ali and GuyExpo Committee members touring the Exhibition Site recently

As such, the GuyExpo Planning Committee, led by acting Tourism, Industry and Commerce Minister Irfaan Ali has already initiated plans to ensure that all expectations are met.

This year’s exhibition will see many changes, including an earlier starting time, as committee members have announced that following the official opening ceremony at 18: 00h on Thursday, September 27, the gates will be opened to the public from 15: 00h to 23: 00h on Friday, and 13: 00h to 23: 00h on Saturday and Sunday.

In addition to this, there will be a “buyer’s time” set aside for investors and businessmen – a specific period during which they will interact with exhibitors, prior to the official opening time; it was recommended that this interaction should be at least two hours before the gates are opened to facilitate buyers’ interest.
The committee also decided that in an effort to reduce the noise levels at the show, more steel pan music, drumming, and other indigenous forms of entertainment, at lower volumes, will be encouraged.
Minister Ali also proposed that the expo should be used as a platform for the promotion of the “Jagdeo Initiative”, which is a strategy for removing constraints to the development of agriculture in the Caribbean; it also builds upon past regional efforts to develop a Common Agricultural Policy.
Despite the small changes, GuyExpo Committee Public Relations Manager Indranauth Haralsingh assured that the event will still maintain its “flavour”, while holding true to its primary aim of facilitating trade and investment. He noted too that more than 100 exhibitors have so far registered for this year’s event, which is anticipated to attract even more participants and exhibitors.
These decisions followed an inspection exercise conducted by Minister Ali and committee members at the Sophia Exhibition Site, during a recent visit.
Committee members agreed that there will be several changes to the site layout, and continual inspection exercises performed as the countdown begins for the grand opening on September 27.
“We want to ensure that this year’s event will exceed all expectations; this is the ultimate showcase of the business community, investment opportunities, and the future of the country. We are placing greater emphasis on highlighting our Guyanese products, with the aim of attracting international buyers, rather than suppliers,” the tourism minister explained.
GuyExpo 2012 was officially launched on March 30 under the theme “Strengthening the Traditional, Embracing the New”, and will be staged from September 27 to 30.
During the launching ceremony, Minister Ali announced that stronger focus will be placed on the development of small and medium sized businesses and the formation of linkages not only locally, but with regional and extra regional markets. The minister also noted that Guy Expo 2012 will target regional and international markets.
“Before the GuyExpo we will have a business seminar and we are hoping to have investors, buyers from international markets coming to be part of the event,” he explained.
GuyExpo, which began in 1995, is now a national event that has a permanent place on the Tourism, Industry and Commerce Ministry’s Annual Calendar of Events. This premier exposition and trade fair offers business associates the opportunity to meet, network, and negotiate with international companies and establishments, as well as showcase their skills, talents and creative work.

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