GuyExpo is indeed a meaningful exercise to showcase what Guyana has to offer

Dear Editor,
I refer to an article in the Kaieteur News of September 29, 2012 under the caption, “GuyExpo is a fairground,” attributed to a columnist writing under the pseudonym “Peeping Tom”.
My initial response is the writer probably either ingested something which severely affected his or her judgment, wrote the said piece prior to the evening of September 27 when the curtain came up on this year’s GuyExpo, or focused attention on an event which he or she did not witness. But upon reflection, I thought of giving the writer the benefit of the doubt by assuming this was the penmanship of someone of repute expressing an honest, professional opinion. As a consequence, I feel compelled to respond.
Peeping Tom said in the second paragraph that there is nothing much new to see and that GuyExpo is simply a soda repackaged each year. I have had the distinction of serving as co-chairman of the GuyExpo planning committee for the last five GuyExpo events, 2012 included, and could attest that this is simply not true.
Over the years, GuyExpo planners have been guided by the direction of national policy (theme and attendant emphasis on what is projected); input from private sector and civil society organisations; feedback from exhibitors and patrons; and the respective evaluation reports of every GuyExpo. This has resulted in noticeable improvements in organisation, layout, variety of exhibits and related initiatives such as business seminars, informative magazines, and seminars linking buyers/ investors and exhibitors.
The private sector in Guyana comprises captains of industry and owners of service organisations who have proven their mettle as astute entrepreneurs. The fact that manufacturers have been able to confront, overcome and grow their businesses, despite challenges associated with the comparative regional disadvantage in areas such as production and development finance cost, speak volumes and point to the fact that the sector is far from feeble, as stated in the penultimate paragraph.
I would not elaborate further at this time. I am aware that politicians and private sector representatives portrayed negatively in the article are quite capable of responding if they think it appropriate.
Yours truly,
Derrick Cummings

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