GuyExpo is expected to be bigger and more exciting this year

Dear Editor,
I was pleased to learn that the perennial traffic build-up and struggle to get in and out of the Sophia Exhibition Centre, during GuyExpo will now be a thing of the past.
The acting tourism minister announced that plans are in place to open up two new pedestrian entrances to the site. This is great. It will mean an ease in vehicular traffic. I see also that there will be specially designed access for the differently-able.
Well if this should be realised, then I can see that the place will be packed even more than in the previous years, and maybe an extension can very well be in the making. In the past, most of the differently-able relied on media coverage, and the blind were virtually shut out, as radio reports have been shorter and fewer of late.
Time is running out so the people in charge must get on the ball even more.
This year is expected to surpass the previous ones, as it will have a number of new features, so as to assist participating companies in expanding their businesses and modernising their plans.
Florence King

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