Guyanese will forever be ‘One People’ – Sir Shridath Ramphal

By Vahnu Manikchand

Sir Shridath Ramphal
Sir Shridath Ramphal

As thousands of Guyanese braved the rain on Tuesday to witness the inauguration of Guyana’s eighth Executive President, David Granger, Sir Shridath Ramphal has challenged the newly-elected President and his A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) Government to work towards achieving national unity in Guyana, as he called for the end of political division.

Sir Shridath was at the time addressing the large gathering at the Guyana National Stadium where the country’s 49th Independence Celebrations and the inauguration were being held. He told the new Government that it has a challenging path ahead and as such national unity is imperative. “National unity must not be an empty slogan but …an ethic of Government. I congratulate the coalition of parties that have taken a courageous first step in this direction, as I praise our people who have answered the question – “do you want us together or apart” – in a definitive way,” he stated.

Nevertheless, Sir Shridath noted that this was not the end but the beginning of a journey that never ends, adding that the country’s aspirations must not end within its borders. He reminded that Guyana is also part of a larger community, the Caribbean Community (Caricom) and as such, the Government should strengthen its ties with other Member States. “We cannot be a model of good governance at home if we do not acknowledge that wider Caribbean homeland and give leadership in occupying together,” he noted.

Sir Shridath said he witnessed the beginning of Guyana’s independence, as the country’s founding fathers aspired to live by the National Motto – One People, One Nation, One Destiny. He pointed out that Guyanese were and will forever be “One People” despite the political gimmicks which tend to sway persons’ belief that the motto is false.

The renowned diplomat noted that Guyana was on the verge of a great future with its human resources and the richness of its natural resources. He highlighted that the country’s future lay in the future of these very resources, cautioning that it would not be an easy ride. Furthermore, Sir Shridath declared that this 49th Independence Anniversary was symbolic since it embodied the inauguration of the country’s eighth Executive President.

The Guyanese born-diplomat outlined that even in his earliest days, President Granger has managed to spread unity among Guyanese; hence, their integration at the national event. He went on to urge the thousands of Guyanese, and to a larger extent the diplomatic corps, who were present at the inauguration ceremony to lend their full support to the newly-elected President and his Administration as they worked towards fulfilling their promises made to the public. “The task (of cohesion of its people) is not impossible. Indeed, it is within our grasp, particularly in the grasp of our young people who want to build a future that looks forward and not backward to the past. Let this great nation now run swiftly … Let Guyana rise as a model of good governance in a framework of power, respect and shared ambitions.”

Sir Shridath ended his presentation by quoting the lyrics from two popular national songs saying “onwards, upwards may we ever grow together”, while asking the question “can we do it” and to a resounding positive response from the audience, he too shouted “yes we can!”

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