Guyanese want more funds for Caribana

Guyanese and other Caribbean-Canadians have appealed to their provincial and federal elected officials to increase allocation of funds for this year’s Caribana, which started a week ago.
The parade of bands is slated for August 4 in downtown Toronto. The Toronto City Council is supporting the advocates for increased federal funding of the Scotiabank-sponsored Toronto Caribana.
City Councillor Joe Mihevc told reporters that that the government of Canada makes a lot of cash from Caribana, and “frankly, in the years gone by, they have not put in enough to make this festival happen.” Mihevc said the City Council has been approving Cdn$ 494,000 in cash for the festival. “On top of that, we of course provide police services, ambulance services, garbage services, street closure, public health, the whole array. As an order of city government, we don’t make a penny from this festival.
“We pay into this festival, but we don’t make any money. We do it because it really is about figuring out how we honour diversity, heritage and newcomers coming to Toronto. It is how we learn to be different in a cultural way and how we make sure that each and every Torontonian feels that they have a place in this city of Toronto, not just a place to work but also a place to play and a place to express their soul and their longing and their culture”.
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said the city’s funding for the festival will be the same as last year. Jason Woodman, vice president of Woodman Wines and Spirits that help sponsor the event said, “Caribana is an amazing cultural event. It brings to our city, colours, sounds and flavours of the Caribbean.”

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