Guyanese unifies Central Florida Caribbean community through her work

By Natasha Waldron Anthony

Guenet Gittens-Roberts

GGR Marketing and Public Relations, the brainchild of Guyanese Guenet Gittens-Roberts, continues to galvanize the Caribbean community, especially Guyanese, in Central Florida to have a greater voice. The marketing company serves as a portal, navigating businesses and individuals to effectively understand and become involved in the Caribbean market and community.

This year, the company, alongside the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce in Central Florida, will assist Disney World in identifying what makes the Caribbean community different. Gittens-Roberts said that there are no studies on the Caribbean consumer and how businesses should basically interact with them. Gittens-Roberts is also vice president of the Caribbean-American Chamber of Commerce in Central Florida.

This year, as well, GGR Marketing is at the helm of the Caribbean American Heritage Month celebrations, which will be observed in June. Gittens-Roberts says this has been an annual event in Central Florida for now some four years. However, this year, what makes the celebrations unique is the involvement of the city, Orange County and other Caribbean Associations to showcase the Caribbean diversity in Orlando, Florida. According to Gittens-Roberts, last year, GGR Marketing was on its own working along with City Hall; but, this year, the city asked GGR to showcase their Heritage Month in a huge way, and they will put some funds towards ensuring that it is huge.

The events start on June 4 with a luncheon, and thereafter, Gittens-Roberts notes, there will be activities every weekend as part of the celebrations, including health, food and art festivals. The turnout promises to be massive, gauging from the Caribbean community’s involvement during the past years’ observances.

Meantime, GGR Marketing is intricately involved in the Guyanese community. Gittens-Roberts boasts that the Guyanese community in Orlando is dynamic and very involved in maintaining its cultural heritage. She said the community is holding onto the culture, and teaching its children the culture, and this is wonderful. She added that the younger kids are doing amazing stuff. The Guyanese community maintains and celebrates all the traditional calendar events in a huge way in Central Florida.

GGR will also focus this year on creating another business directory in collaboration with the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida. Gittens-Roberts, through GGR, had put together the directory that highlights the Caribbean businesses in Central Florida. In 2009 some 5000 copies were published and distributed.

Meanwhile, Gittens-Roberts, that entrepreneurial Guyanese, last September launched a monthly magazine, “Caribbean American Passport”…”We focus on what Caribbean people in Central Florida are doing. We have lots of vibrant and active associations who work hard but don’t get the recognition,” the publisher said. The publication targets 5,000 readers in Central Florida, and is also mailed to another 4,000 online viewers.

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