Guyanese teen who went missing in NY found alive

Ryan Matthews
Ryan Matthews

According to reports coming out of New York, the 16-year-old Guyanese boy who went missing from his Brooklyn, New York home on August 28 has been found alive and well.

Relatives are breathing a sigh of relief after Ryan Matthews was found earlier this week in New York.

Matthews who moved to New York from Guyana just a year ago, went missing after heading out of his home for his usual afternoon jog.

The New York Police Department and several relatives started a massive search for the young man and that search stretched on for over a month

There are reports that he was found wearing the same Nike sneakers and clothes that he left home with on August 28.

After he was found, he was questioned by police investigators before being handed over to his relieved family members. Details are very sketchy about his whereabouts over the past four weeks.

Although family members said that he has no history of running away from home, investigators believe he may have ran away from home this time.

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