Guyanese should speak out against the excesses of APNU+AFC Govt

Dear Editor,

The bad thing about the entire situation in Guyana is that nobody is doing anything to correct the wrongs. Most people just sit in their bottom houses, pointing fingers at the PPP/C to act on the situation.

However, the PPP/C cannot take on the burden alone. Their supporters also should become actively involved in the fight, so that for example, there should be thousands picketing at the GECOM headquarters. The masses should protest in front of Parliament against the removal of the “Because We Care” programme.

By remaining silent, supporters only validate the action of the coalition. Guyana is starting to suffer the consequences of poor decision making, and the APNU/AFC supporters are desperately trying to mask the situation with political propaganda. In this instance, the saying “Speak a lie as often as possible then it becomes truth to idiots!” is quite relevant. Yet, one cannot help but wonder why 49 per cent of the electorate that voted for the PPP/C remains so quiet. Is it a lack of interest?

President Granger is destroying Guyana’s relationship with Venezuela, but yet the people remain silent.

V Apana

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