Guyanese running for Office in Orlando

Rick Singh

A Guyanese-American, Rick Singh, is running for elective office as Property Appraiser, Orange County, in Central Florida. Rick grew up in the Bronx and served the United State, as a soldier in the U.S. Army.

Rick describes himself as a leader within his community, having organized cultural events, and hosting a local radio program, for the area’s Indo-American community. Rick’s sense of civic duty is what is leading him to run for public office.

A fundraiser was held in New York last Friday, to assist Rick in his endeavour, to become the first Guyanese in the state of Florida, to win elective office. Florida is home to thousands of Guyanese.

The fundraiser was organized in Richmond Hill, at Hall of Lights Catering, by Frank Singh, who himself is a real estate developer, in New York and a community advocate as well.

Rick said that since announcing his candidacy for Orange County Property Appraiser last year, he has “received an incredible amount of support from individuals of all walks of life, including many fellow local property owners”., Rick has been living in Orange County for over 20 years. He and other Guyanese have established a spirit of community among the diverse groups that are settled in the area. “It is in this spirit I wish to serve our community with the skills and experience I have accrued in my career, in the real estate industry-including my role as a property appraiser”.

Rick explains that an elected property appraiser in Orange County is charged with identifying, locating and fairly valuating all property, both real and personal, within the county, for taxation purposes. A local property appraiser sets a value on real property, based on current market value, including buildings and other improvements. The method that a property appraiser uses to establish the “market” value for property is by essentially discovering the price that most people would be inclined to pay for property in the current market. This price is established as people buy and sell real estate in the typical real estate market setting.

The Property Appraiser also performs other functions such as tracking ownership changes; analyzing the market trends of sales prices; rental prices and construction costs to best estimate; the value of assessable property; maintaining maps of parcel boundaries; collecting and approving applications from individuals, eligible for tax exemptions and other forms of property tax relief; and keeping descriptions of buildings and property characteristics up to date.

Rick Singh is a licensed real-estate broker in Central Florida. He has run a successful appraisal business, Abacus Appraisal Services, for 11 years, as well as Amvin Real Estate. Rick has the knowledge and background to serve the citizens of Orange County as their Property Appraiser. Rick did his very first assessment for the Orange County Property Appraiser’s Office back in 1994. He said that with his experience he will “be able to execute these duties in the most efficient way possible for Orange County”.

Rick believes that having public and private sector experience in this industry, he “is the most qualified candidate to properly manage the Orange County Property Appraiser’s Office”.

Rick feels Orange County deserves an experienced, dedicated Property Appraiser “who will be accountable for his office, and has the experience to ensure that citizens can recover and move forward, together”. He said he will make sure the homes and businesses in Orange County be assessed fairly and accurately, to ensure that housing market and small businesses stand a chance to rebound from the harsh economy. He said if elected, he will make sure that the staff be qualified and well trained, residents be protected; also cut wasteful spending and unnecessary overhead at the Property Appraiser’s office.

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