Guyanese must become more free spirited and independently driven

Dear Editor,

How does a little dot on the globe dominate such a great space on the world stage? I have always been fascinated by the individual and collective drive that our Caribbean neighbour to the North possesses. Why is it that other countries are unable to cultivate this kind of excellence that seems to emanate so effortlessly from a country that isn’t developed and where the people do not havethe luxury and convenience to achieve great things? Yet, persons from humble beginnings are able to.

Having had the opportunity to observe the Jamaican society from within, I noticed that even the poorest had a positive outlook on life, aspiring to do great things, if not for themselves for their children. They take great pride in their country and identity and embrace their national heroes with passion and admiration. Most importantly, Jamaicans never stoop to the feet of others, regardless of how much they may have or what position they may hold.

They’re committed to whatever they do, striving to be the best in the world. Usain Bolt is a perfect example of this, as he walks onto the field with confidence that seems to intimidate his competitors and push them into their shells.

What does all this mean for a country like Guyana? It means that we are sleeping on our individual talent and allowing others to dictate our potential and what we should and should not do. As Guyanese we have to become more free spirited and independently driven with our goals and ambition. We have to create an independent force that is free of political and racial influences.

This is an approach that Walter Rodney wanted to create in Guyana before his untimely death. We are trapped in a politically charged culture fuelled by weak politicians peddling the race card. And in turn, we are misguided on our mission for prosperity and progress.

Let Guyana shine naturally and let our youths be free from negative influences. Let politics become a platform for great minds regardless of race or background. And let every individual achieve their dreams and be free from profiling or oppression.

Malcolm Watkins

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